This week I was watching Camden T.V. when I saw the Sheriff's Report come on. The first thing Terrell says is that Bill asked and received permission to use the drug money for scholarships. Well we have heard that before have we not. Remember he said he got permission from Janet Reno to use the drug money to fund Celebrate Recovery. Which is not a valid reason to use the money that is why he said he had permission. So of course I asked to see that permission, and was told no such thing existed, that the money was used in accordance with the guidelines for using this money. The man even told that lie to Dr. Rick Warren. A sworn man of God, Yes Bill lied to a preacher. Bill told Dr. Warren that he had permission and Dr. Warren posted that on his website. Here is a snip of the article:
But Smith had a plan to make it happen by using a portion of millions of dollars in drug money that Camden County law enforcement officials confiscate from traffickers along I-95. By law, officials can use these millions of dollars for drug education, fighting drug abuse, or buying equipment necessary to combat drugs or trafficking. During Attorney General Janet Reno’s tenure, her office approved using the money to send the pastors, lay leaders, and other community leaders to California for Celebrate Recovery training.
Since that first group from Camden took part in the 2001 training, every year between 30 and 50 Camden County law enforcement officials, pastors, and laity travel to Saddleback for program orientation so they, too, can lead Celebrate Recovery groups.
No they did not Bill lied about that.
Here is his response:
So I asked to see a copy of this permission he got to fund these scholarships.
Here is that email:
Dear Mr. Walker,
This week, I was watching Camden T.V. when the Sheriff's Report with William Terrell came on. The first words out of his mouth was "back in 2001 the Sheriff asked and got permission to use the Federal Seized Assets Fund to set up scholarships in the name of fallen deputies. With that statement being said I request that you send me a copy of the letter where Sheriff Smith requested the permission, and the letter from the DOJ that gave him that permission.
I wish for you to send me these items in electronic format, either in a PDF or word format. Doing this will save me and the taxpayers of the county valuable resources that can be applied elsewhere. After all, we all should do are part to save this county money.
Thank you,
Billy Smith is a LIAR .
Billy does what billy wants to and you can't do a dam thing about it
His aggressive defense of the indefensible puts me in minfd of how sleazy televangelists like Benny Hinn, et al, react when their
exploitation of their millions of dupes is exposed by an investigation.
hell, he wouldn't make a pimple on bennie hinn arse
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