Welcome To The New Real School Police

Welcome To The New Real School Police

My newest blog, since I have more time on my hands now!!!

The Godley Files


The complete P.O.S.T record of Bob Godley. The former cop that thinks the whole county owes him an apology for his bad behavior.

There is a new blogger in town, who is also upset with this school system. Thank you Paul for standing up for what is right, and not backing down to the ESTABLISHMENT.

Camden County Schools The Truth


Please visit my other blogs:

Who Killed Racheyl Brinson


And don't forget the Dennis Perry trial transcript also:

Remember Dennis is the one framed by former Sheriff Bill Smith and his lying so called detective Dale Bundy.


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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Is The St. Marys PD Is Investigating This Site Or Are They Sending Out Threatening Posts?

The following is of course from my sitemeter account. This tells me who has been on my site. Now I have told you people time and time again, if you work for the government and you post from a government computer, it will show up just like this!!!!

Now I know most of you cops are really good people, but you do have a few dumbasses. When you post to my blog, it sends me an email that contains everything in that post. Now they may have made these posts in front of their "so called friends", thinking they werealmighty and powerful cops, then later they would delete them as the author of any post may delete their comments. But that email does not change so I have the original post. HAHA.

Who has posted?

Well I submitted and open records act request to Chief Hatch who of course responded with:

Mr. Rogers,

I have inquired within the department and our IT department. We do not have a record that tracks individual users of the computers within the department. Under the Open Records laws, since no record exists, we are not mandated to create one. However, based on the potential for misconduct that is implied by your request, I must advise you that if you have grounds for a complaint, I encourage you to file one. We will look into that complaint and take any appropriate action based upon the findings of any investigation that we conduct.


Tim Hatch

To which I responded:

Wrong Sir,

A record does exist; any good IT person can pull it up in minutes. Bill Smith tried to say the same exact thing when Charlene Sears posted my background on my blog; I proved him wrong and got her name.

Now would you like me to do the same here? All I am asking is for is the name of the person using that computer with that IP Address at 2:30 AM Friday February 11.

Now if silly little games are what you want to play, we can!! I rather just get the name and move on. I do believe the City of St. Marys has enough problems with out another cover up at the police station. If your IT can't figure it out, call Kingsland they can track peoples IP Address straight to their home, I am sure they would be able to help YOUR INCOMPETENT IT PERSON.

And of course the City replies:

March 1, 2011

Dear Mr. Rogers:

The City of St Marys is in receipt of your Open Records Request stamp dated February 25, 2011 at 1:10 p.m. In answer to your request, the operator of the device at IP address is the IT Network Administrator of the City of St. Marys, and he was not logged into the device at 2:30 a.m. As this is a firewall device, it has Network Address Translation protocol enabled. However, log files are purged every 12 hours, to conserve storage space on the firewall device.

To fulfill the request, it would require approximately 6-8 hours reviewing the individual log files for all operators on all systems, as the City does not have a Web Content Filtering System. Since this request exceeds the technical level of the Systems Analyst (lowest paid full-time employee), the Network Administrator would perform the search, retrieval, or other direct administration required. This action is estimated at a cost of $31.55 per hour (6-8 hrs.), provided; however, that no charge shall be made for the first quarter hour as per the Georgia Open Records Act. The costs associated with the request will not exceed $220.82.

In order to move forward, please sign the attached form and return it to the City Clerk’s office at the address below, as your agreement to pay the costs related to the request. If the executed form is not received, the IT Department will not be authorized to proceed. Once the request is completed you will be contacted with the final cost so payment could be made to the City for the information to be released.

If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Darlene M. Roellig, CMC
City Clerk
Voice: (912) 510-4039 Fax (912) 510-4013 E-mail: darlene.roellig@ci.st-marys.ga.us

TELEPHONE: 912-510-4000
FAX: 912-510-4012

So instead I decided to send this email:
--- On Wed, 3/2/11, Rick Rogers wrote:
From: Rick Rogers therealschoolpolice@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Another Open Records Request
To: "'Bill'" , "Tim Hatch" <100@stmpd.org>, bill.shanahan@ci.st-marys.ga.us
Cc: "'Darlene Roellig'" Darlene.Roellig@ci.st-marys.ga.us
Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2011, 9:30 AM

Ok chief,

I just need a list of names of everyone on duty on Friday Feb. 25 21011 between the hours of 2 and 3 AM. We will sort the rest out in court.

Thank you for your time.

Rick Rogers

To which I get this reply:

Mr. Rogers,

On-duty personnel for the time you cite in your request were as follow:
Sgt. Rich Riggle
Cpl. Jeff Juiliano
Ofc. Matt Dawkins
Ofc. Cydrina Battle
Ofc. Josh Hamlett

Chief Hatch

And today between 1 and 2 AM.

Mr. Rogers,
On-duty personnel for the time you cite in your request were as follow:
Sgt. Walter Baldwin
Cpl. John Moore
Ofc. Sheila Ramos
Ofc. Gary Nichols

Chief Hatch

So the question still remains, which one of these people on duty likes to post nasty stuff on blogs while on duty.

It's to protect and serve, not to protest and blog.

No comments:

Georgia Transparency Headlines

The Parents Have Declared War

The Parents Have Declared War

Get On The Open Government Band Wagon

"Honorable and righteous men do not fear the exercise of liberty."

Important Information

U.S. Attorney's Office in Savannah, Georgia.

Mr. James D. DurhamAssistant U. S. Attorney
100 Bull Street Suite 201
Savannah, Georgia 31401
912 652 4422

Office of the Attorney General Of Georgia
Attorney General, Thurbert Baker
Office of the Attorney General
40 Capitol Square,
SWAtlanta, Ga 30334
(404) 656-3300

Open Records Violations
Stephan Ritter

Report Bad Cops
Police Complaint Center
We put ourselves on the line in pursuit of equal justice

State Board of Pardons and Paroles
2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive,
SE Suite 458, Balcony Level, East Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4909
Telephone: (404) 657-9350

Office of the Governor,
Georgia State Capitol,
Atlanta, GA 30334
Office Phone: 404-656-1776

Please Call Judge Williams

Tell her to throw out the plea deal in the Perry case,

And grant him a new fair trial.


From the Blog:

Anonymous said...
I just spoke with a lady that had called Judge Williams number to ask for Dennis Perry's plea be thrown out and to grant him a new trial. Guess what? As soon as Dennis' name was mentioned, the secretary or whoever she was got very cold and told the lady she would have to send the judge a fax or write her a letter. AND THEN SHE WOULDN'T GIVE HER THE FAX NUMBER!! She was told she would have to write a letter..which the lady has done. Does that tell you there is something wrong with this case? You people in Camden County better wake up and smell the roses before you find yourself in the same position that Dennis is in. He isn't asking to be released. Just for a FAIR trial!!

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