Can You Name The Deputy Behind This Loaded Finger
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Mr. James D. DurhamAssistant U. S. Attorney
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Savannah, Georgia 31401
912 652 4422
Office of the Attorney General Of Georgia
Attorney General, Thurbert Baker
Office of the Attorney General
40 Capitol Square,
SWAtlanta, Ga 30334
(404) 656-3300
Open Records Violations
Stephan Ritter
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We put ourselves on the line in pursuit of equal justice
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2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive,
SE Suite 458, Balcony Level, East Tower
Atlanta, Georgia 30334-4909
Telephone: (404) 657-9350 of the Governor,
Georgia State Capitol,
Atlanta, GA 30334
Office Phone: 404-656-1776
Please Call Judge Williams
Tell her to throw out the plea deal in the Perry case,
And grant him a new fair trial.
From the Blog:
Anonymous said...
I just spoke with a lady that had called Judge Williams number to ask for Dennis Perry's plea be thrown out and to grant him a new trial. Guess what? As soon as Dennis' name was mentioned, the secretary or whoever she was got very cold and told the lady she would have to send the judge a fax or write her a letter. AND THEN SHE WOULDN'T GIVE HER THE FAX NUMBER!! She was told she would have to write a letter..which the lady has done. Does that tell you there is something wrong with this case? You people in Camden County better wake up and smell the roses before you find yourself in the same position that Dennis is in. He isn't asking to be released. Just for a FAIR trial!!
Search The Real School Police
not too sure..but hey compare em on myspace.. half of em have them!
he sure has one...
I'm wondering if thats his age or IQ?
I got it........its his IQ after working for the "dirty" sheriff.
BYE, BYE, DIRTBAG. You'll be going out with the rest of the garbage......LOL
Brad Todd a real piece of hog poop, well at least a kernnel of corn in the nugget. Think the good lord the hog farmer is history and we can move ahead. Thanks so much Rick for the hard work and excellent work you have done to help keep the people in camden county informed. God bless you and your family. Thanks again. Who's gonna feed them hogs now? Bradd Todd,but he'd eat all the slop.
Yes that is def Brad Todd. You can easily identify him because of his enormous water head. His head looks like an orange on top of a tooth pick. He used to be my supervisor. He was horrible to work for. That pic says it all...
yepper thats Brad Todd; two faced, back stabbin S.O.B; I heard on the streets that their are some people looking for him... just too say hi ya doin!!!!
he does look kinda like Donnie the retard, with an 8 pd waterhead doesn't he.I bet he likes tater tots to.
Brad Todd without a doubt. Was there and witnessed his unprofessional self and all its embarassing glory in full finger giving act. Stress brings out the best in people. Guess Brad was upset with the numbers last night and the realization that he won't work for Sheriff Gregory. Nah Nah Nah Nah - Nah Nah Nah Nah - Hey Hey Hey - Goodbye !
I was there too. That is Brad. In usual form. That fat slob next to him is Bob Godley. He was too wide for the picture. This picture really sums it all up. Someone needs to forward this pisture to Brad's supervisors at FLETC. Anyone know how to do that.
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